Gilles Lipovetsky

Gilles Lipovetsky (born September 24, 1944 in Millau) is a French philosopher, writer and sociologist, professor at the University of Grenoble.

In his last essays, Lipovetsky called into question the concept of postmodernity, considering it to be ambiguous and even inadequate. In fact it is a hypermodernity, a "superlative modernity", one characterized by excess, that defines the historical present of democratic societies. All the old hurdles of modernization are buried and there isn't a more credible and legitimate alternative system, no alternative democratic and commercial modernity. This is a time of completed modernity, without an opposite, a deranged and globalized modernity. This second modern revolution is the one, which is reconciled with its basic principles (techno-sciences, democracy, human rights, and the market), and is carried by a hyperbolic process of the modernization of modernity itself. This means more competition, more marketization, more mobility, and more flexibility.


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